Integrated Management System

GRUPO TEPSI > Integrated Management System

Quality x

Our quality system is committed to satisfying the needs of the Industries, providing Engineering, Maintenance and Works Supervision services, so that we are recognized as the best option to achieve comprehensive, timely solutions with an optimal balance of quality, cost and value. aggregate of human resources.

Compliance with this is based on the following principles:

  • Promote, adapt and maintain our quality management system, at all levels and in all processes of the organization.
  • To train and train all personnel in order to achieve awareness and competence in the development of their functions.
  • Promote the continuous improvement of processes, establishing objectives that contribute to this end and contribute to the revision of this policy.

The scope of the Integrated Quality System involves the entire organization and all our services in all areas of operation.

  • Engineering Services.
  • Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and Commissioning Services for Industrial Installations.
  • Industrial Facilities Supervision and Inspection Services.
  • Industrial Operation and Maintenance Services.

The main objective of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is based on ZERO ACCIDENT, ZERO PROFESSIONAL ILLNESS . With the joint work of all the employees of the organization, this effort is possible, complying with the provisions, norms and legal standards.

TEPSI S.A. It has obtained the certification of its Occupational Health and Safety Management System under the BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard in 2009.


Security and health x

TEPSI SA’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SST) fosters safe and healthy work environments, offering a framework that allows identifying, evaluating, controlling and minimizing the risks of the tasks performed by our staff, in order to reduce potential incidents, support compliance with the laws and provide the best service.

That is why we highlight the collaboration of our staff, who promote our OSH policy, complying with the standards and principles of safe work.

The firm commitment of TEPSI S.A. to protect the Health and Safety of its employees is a factor that distinguishes it in a competitive market. Demonstrating the decision to safeguard employees and the environment from harmful incidents, as well as to prevent risks in the quality of the service offered to our clients.

Environment x

For more than 3 years TEPSI S.A. is certified ISO 14.001: 2004 which commits us to work towards minimizing the environmental impacts that our activities produce in the places where we carry out our work, as well as in our Management Unit.

Our specialized team on the matter constantly reviews the risks and the environmental aspects and impacts associated with the activity that we are executing, always prioritizing the Environmental Policy of our clients.