Employee testimonials

GRUPO TEPSI > Employee testimonials
Tepsi for me meant a change of air at the time, today five years later it represents a place of professional growth that is developing day by day, a place where I have found very good friends, excellent colleagues. Tepsi taught me that to improve many times one is wrong but with perseverance and perseverance you can achieve your goals. ” Cristian Avila · Administration
It is difficult to express something in so few words, but it would be something like: “The possibility of dignifying myself day by day in the place that I choose, that I saw grow and that I am proud to be part of” Matías M. Salse · Engineering Control
It is a space that symbolizes growth, that dreams can be fulfilled with optimism and effort. It is learning for the newest and development for the experienced. Values, identity, conduct and challenge represent the TEPSI family. ” Gabriel Hernán Videla · Control PM
Working at TEPSI is of great importance in my life, both professionally and personally. Here I was able to grow, develop and implement my ideas, I am listened to both by my colleagues and by managers. One of the things that I value the most is the human group with whom I interact every day: they support me, they contain me, I spend a beautiful working day. Professionally I learn, I am motivated, they let me create and execute. TEPSI is the company where I want to continue working! ” Malena Felicitas Kasparas · Environment - CSSA Staff
Tepsi represents and represented a fundamental pillar in my training as an engineer, it allowed me to work on very important works and projects and to be in places that, for those who like structures, represent fundamental experiences for my professional training and where responsibility is a value very important to take into account when preparing any civil engineering project. I also learned a lot of things personally, since one of the aspects that I have always valued the most since I joined is the human group that I am part of within the company. ” Cristian Landeira · Dept. Civil Engineer
TEPSI is not a place where you come to sign in and out, and beyond the economic aspect, it is the place where you offer endless opportunities, to learn and teach, it is a permanent source of teaching and personal development, for whom he knows how to appreciate it. ” Tulio Martini · Logistics
Tepsi represents for me an opportunity for professional and human growth, due to the group that makes it up. ” Ana Carolina Polanco · PM of execution
Tepsi means and represents personal growth, which throughout all these years has allowed me to progress professionally, but above all as a human being. The development of identity has been built from the link and "contract" generated between the company and myself. Improvement and learning is the foundation of the organization, which has always stimulated my commitment and participation. Tepsi works on human resources; and despite its services, the most valuable capital is "the people" Nicolás Umbert · Social and Technical Development
I have chosen to work at Tepsi because like me, everyone here works with a passion for challenges and this sets us apart from the rest. ” Paschoal Cataldi · Executive Director of Tepsi Brasil
Tepsi has given me the opportunity to grow on the job surrounded by a great and wonderful staff. I am proud to be a part. ” Paulo Contreras · UG Bahía Blanca