Alternative Energies

GRUPO TEPSI > Alternative Energies

Works within the area x

  • Feasibility studies
  • Conceptual Engineering
  • Engineering Feed
  • Basic engineering
  • Detail engineering
  • Construction engineering
  • Pre-Commissioner – Commissioner
  • Plant commissioning
  • Operation and maintenance

The present future x

The new global trend is for buildings to be sustainable from the moment they are built.
They must be efficient in the resources it uses for construction and in the energy it consumes. They are designed to use less water for irrigation, less energy to heat and cool. Their location is also essential, always close to means of transport to avoid the use of vehicles.
In Europe and the US, large hotels and multinational offices have begun to build in a sustainable way, an important first step.

Certain projects require the relocation of cities, such as the construction of a dam and the filling of the reservoir.
It is essential that the community to be relocated is contained and its cultures are maintained, and the base of its economy should not be modified, since it may disappear if its entire identity is affected by a project.

The new global trend is for buildings to be sustainable from the moment they are built.
They must be efficient in the resources it uses for construction and in the energy it consumes. They are designed to use less water for irrigation, less energy to heat and cool. Their location is also essential, always close to means of transport to avoid the use of vehicles.
In Europe and the US, large hotels and multinational offices have begun to build in a sustainable way, an important first step.

Today the environmental issue is booming. The level of pollution that exists in the different environmental factors, such as water, air and land has reached a point where we are all responsible and we must assume our roles.
It is essential that we begin to become aware and make our footprint the least significant for the environment.
Our energy consumption, the use of fossil fuels and the waste we generate make us jointly responsible for the deterioration of the planet. We must change our habits and reverse this trend, among all.

Water is a good that abounds on our planet, but water that can be made drinkable for human consumption is scarce, especially in Europe, that is why we must be aware of and responsibly use this resource, not waste it or overuse it.
The price of making water drinkable will be higher and higher due to the level of pollutants it will have, to the rivers that will disappear due to the increase in temperature and to the population growth that is presumed to be in the world.

If it were not for greenhouse gases, the Earth’s temperature would be 33º lower than the current one, so that practically for all species it would be impossible to live, but with the emissions that through the combustion of motors and generation of energy released to the The atmosphere is heating up at a rate that many species will not be able to bear.
Global warming must be stopped, together.

They are an international decontamination mechanism to reduce polluting emissions to the environment.
The system offers economic incentives for private companies to contribute to the improvement of environmental quality and to regulate the emission generated by their production processes, considering the right to emit CO2 as an exchangeable good and with a price established in the market.
The transaction of carbon credits mitigate the generation of greenhouse gases, benefiting companies that do not emit or reduce emissions by making those who emit more than allowed pay.

Until before the industrial revolution, the percentage of greenhouse gases was in equilibrium in the atmosphere, but since then the level of CO2, CH4, NOx and other gases have grown at an excessive rate, causing an increase in temperature.
It is essential to start using energy and fuels that do not release greenhouse gases.

The generation of waste is one of the most important environmental aspects that must be controlled on the planet.
Currently there are more than 6,500 million people whose consumption level is at the highest point and the places where to dispose of waste are increasingly limited.
That is why the least amount of waste possible must be generated, using reusable and recyclable products, wrappers, containers, containers.

Types of energy x

Solar energy is the energy obtained by capturing the light and heat emitted by the sun.
The solar radiation reaching the Earth can be used by means of the heat it produces or also by absorbing the radiation, for example in optical or other devices. It is one of the so-called renewable energies, particularly from the non-polluting group.

Wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind, that is, the kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents, and which is transformed into other forms useful for human activities.
Currently, wind energy is mainly used to produce electrical energy by wind turbines.

Hydraulic energy or water energy is that which is obtained from the use of the kinetic and potential energies of the current of rivers, waterfalls or seas.
It is a type of green energy when its environmental impact is minimal and uses water power without damming it, otherwise it is considered only a form of renewable energy.

The tidal energy is the one that results from taking advantage of the tides, that is, the difference in average height of the seas according to the relative position of the Earth and the Moon, and that results from the gravitational attraction of the latter and the Sun on the masses of water from the seas. This difference in height can be exploited by interposing moving parts to the natural movement of the rise or fall of the waters.

Geothermal energy is that which can be obtained by man through the use of heat from the interior of the Earth. The heat inside the Earth is due to several factors, among which we must highlight the geothermal gradient, radiogenic heat, etc.
Geothermal comes from the Greek geo, “Earth”, and thermos, “heat”, literally “heat from Earth”.

Hydrogen energy is an alternative energy source that can be used in place of coal or oil. Hydrogen can be transformed thanks to a technology similar to that used to manufacture batteries. There are many different sources of energy.
This releases electricity, heat, and water (H2O).

Biomass is the name given to the energy fuel that is obtained directly or indirectly from biological resources. Biomass energy comes from wood, agricultural residues and manure, it continues to be the main energy source in developing countries. Biomass, along with direct energy from the sun and muscle strength, have been the main sources of energy used by humanity for long periods of time.